Samba Bank


Zaha Hadid Architects


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Sensing Places Interactive contributed design and technology of immersive and interactive displays throughout the facility and functional specifications for a mobile application.

Case Study

Samba Bank wanted to transform traditionally mundane banking into a pleasurable and efficient experience in their new headquarters building in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Sensing Places Interactive worked with Zaha Hadid Architects to create and illustrate scenarios for their final design. Our team explored the fluid exchange of information between computers, mobile devices, and environmental displays.

A component of the project included designing a sensor network for monitoring efficient energy consumption and trigger activation of window louvers.

We also designed futuristic ATMs that free bank customers from the claustrophobia of small rooms by instead enveloping a temporary private space around them with a fog screen. This allows their information to stay secure while not isolating them from the surrounding environment. We created prototypes for this design.

We contributed to the re-design of the trading floor, using seamless information exchange among traders using large information displays with 3D visualizations and a mobile application capable of transfering data to large displays for easy interactive visualizations and simulation of financial scenarios.

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